Revolutionizing Customer Support for Enterprise Software Giants

Project completed work image with example of portal landing page

Pre-packaged customer support portal built on the ServiceNow CSM platform, intended for large software enterprises with multiple product lines. The leadership team from a previous project utilized their collective learnings to create a new product which would address a gap in the market. Highly customized UI was created with its own branding to set the product apart from other "plug and play" implementation accelerators.

Project completed work image demonstrating information architecture
Project completed work image with 3 examples of mobile pages
My Role
  • Case study & business profile development
  • Persona development based on insights gained through previous project
  • Defining information architecture
  • Applying usability heuristics
  • UX/UI wireframing & prototyping


  • Better visualization of customer experience during demos
  • Easier adoption
  • Faster development
  • Modern and versatile design
Project completed work image with showing My Products page

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Calgary ⠂Vancouver ⠂Canada