Fanning the Flames of Community Through Vibrant Branding and Engagement

Ignite Calgary website landing page mocked up on an iMac

Ignite Calgary is a new initiative powered entirely by volunteers. This is a platform devoted to featuring diverse people and communities that are contributing to the city’s vibrant and dynamic culture. IC required a branding design which reflected their youthful stance on community building. This was a collaborative effort as a side-of-desk not-for-profit project.

Ignite Calgary website example image
Project completed work image with 3 examples of mobile pages
My Role
  • Art direction (collaborative)
  • Overseeing front-end website development
  • Providing custom photography for social media content
  • Ongoing design consultation


  • The successful launch of a new initiative
  • Sparked local engagement with volunteers
  • Vibrant & modern design
Project website image showcasing Featured spotlight page

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Calgary ⠂Vancouver ⠂Canada